Why the Enneagram?

The intersection of who we are and how we relate to the world affects our personal and professional growth. This is why the Enneagram matters. It is a personality inventory that builds awareness for why we do what we do and expands our empathy for when others don’t do it the same way we do.

For a further description around the Enneagram and the 9 types, look here.


Should I take a test to determine my Enneagram type?

Yes and no.

Online tests are about 70% accurate. The best way to discover what your type is through attending a workshop, doing your own reading and self-discovery, and/or working with a certified Enneagram coach. 

That said, we think tests are a great starting point for discovery. If you are going the test route, there are two things to keep in mind: 

1. Take the RHETI test. It isn’t free, but it is the most researched and developed test, currently. 

2. When you are assigned a type, hold it loosely. You are the only person who can truly know why you do what you do which is the core make up of a type. 

Is the Enneagram unique to a specific belief or religious system?


While the Enneagram has been used in a variety of religious contexts, it is a tool for all people regardless of religious beliefs or orientation.

Are there Enneagram types that are better than others?


Every type has levels of health and unhealth without hierarchy or exception.